What is protonos.net?
Protonos.net is private project designed to improve productivity and efficiency as well as connectivity between users.
It allows other people such as friends to use an online service which is trustworthy, safe and free to use.
Anyone can sign up for an account and use a predefined set of tools. Andmins and contributors are able to extend the featureset
in the future and add tools they need or find useful.
This website also functions as my own portfolio!
Who am I?
There are social links under the contact section. Feel free to use them :)
How can I use this service?
First Sign up for an account.After you have been signed up and verified your email, you can use some of the tools.
If you know me personally you can request further access to more areas by writing an email to the address provided in the contact section or simply asking me.
This service is only meant to be used by people I know myself but the provided toolsets might be helpful to others.
Is my data safe?
I personally use this service and I would not make it accessible through the internet if I though it might be unsafe to use it this way.
Passwords are encrypted and hashed before being stored in a database and names are only used to identify users and protect everyone else on my platform.
Cookies are also used to keep track of the user's session and will autodelete after two weeks !
Are there any rules?
Yes there are rules and not following them will result in account termination and/or legal consequences!
The most important ones are listed below:
- No spamming
- No illegal content/files
- No inappropriate content
- No offensive behavior
- No exploitation or unintended use of any service
- No advertising
Rules can be changed at any time witout warning! Ask me if you have any questions.
Technical insight:
This site is protected by cloudflare!
Frontend is hosted on Netlify.
Backend is hosted on Render.
Toast are being managed by the Simple notify library.
The backend is being powered by combination of expressJS and mongodb.
Used backend librarys include: jwt, bycrypt, nodemailer and some additions to the express framework.
Github was chosen to connect the hosting providers with the developer and provide a better experience.
Some other tools were used and are listed under the tools section.
Own modules: FireEye request protect, blackneutron strikestream.